I remember how charming was to watch movies at cinema with my father. We used to go alone, me child and him like two men. I still have vivid memories of many of those old movies. Now, I enjoy working together while restoring Lady Chatterley, trying to make a "period yacht" from an old sailboat.And I loved this weekend cooperating with him in the collection of donations for the Bizkaia Food Bank.
Mi padre es cooperante de esta singular ONG, casi exclusivamente compuesta por jubilados generosos, y que ayuda a 26.000 personas en Bizkaia en sus necesidades de alimentación. Aqui no hablamos de lejanas regiones del "Tercer Mundo", sino de nuestros vecinos. La llamada "pobreza vergonzante" está ganando terreno aquí, en casa, y el número de demandantes de alimentos aumenta cada año.
My father is an aid worker in this peculiar NGO, supported almost exclusively by generous retireds, which provides with food to 26.000 people in Bizkaia. We are not talking about poverty in the Third World, but about poverty in our own neighborhood. So called "embarrassing poverty" is rising up here, at home, and the number of claimers for food increases every year.
Yo no sé cuál es la solución al grave momento que vivimos. La intuyo pero no me atrevo a aseverarla. Me he equivocado ya tantas veces... Por eso dejo la cuestión de arreglar las cosas a quienes son más sabios o más atrevidos que yo. Por el momento, seguiré unas pocas reglas básicas consuetudinarias (que si las siguiéramos todos, quizá no estaríamos en esta situación):
- - Tomar de la sociedad solo lo que realmente necesito para vivir.
- - Contribuir a la sociedad con esfuerzo enfocado a actividades productivas que aporten un valor añadido; ignorar las actividades especulativas que no aportan valor.
- - Ser decente.
I do not know what is the solution to the critical situation we are living in. I had a feeling about it but I do not dare to state; I already made so many mistakes... that I rather leave how to fix the world to people wiser or braver than me. By now, I will follow a few simple customary rules:
- - To take from the society only what I need to live.
- - To contribute to the society with an effort focused on productive activities, giving an added value; to ignore especulative activities that do not add value.
- - To be decent.
And the more chances to do it while sharing good experiences with my father helping other people, the better.