We were in the Barcelona airport, waiting for our flight back to Bilbao, after spending the Christmas with my family. I was quietly reading while Helena walked along the terminal. She finally came to me and asked for something she could read also. In my backbag I just carried a comicbook by Quino, whose intrincate and adult sense of humour was not probably the easiest thing to understand for Helena. Anyway I hadn't any other book so I gave it to her. She took it , sat down and read it in a row.
- ¿Ya te lo has acabado, Helena? - le pregunté asombrado.
- Did you finish, Helena? - I asked her quite amazed.
- Sí
- Yes
- ¿Y lo has entendido?
- And did you understand it?
- No
- No
- ¿Quieres que lo leamos juntos y te explico lo que no entiendas?
- Do you want us to read it together so I could explain to you anything you couldn't catch?
- Sí, sí, por favor...
- Yes, yes, please please...
Era evidente que ella tenía muchas ganas de leerlo así que abrimos el tebeo por la primera página y fuimos leyendo viñeta a viñeta. Le expliqué algunas cosas elementales sobre el uso de los símbolos y un par de trucos para interpretar los dibujos. En unos pocos minutos ella ya era capaz de entender casi todo lo que veía y aún más, de captar el humor y reirse de los chistes.
It was obvious she was wishing to read it so we opened the comicbook by its very first page and watch every drawing. I explained to her some basic things about the use of symbols and some tricks to interpret them. In a few minutes she already could understand almost everything she watched and even more, she could catch the jokes and laugh of them.
Al llegar a unas viñetas de cruda ironía sobre la justicia (en la foto) se giró hacia mi y me dijo:
When she arrived to some crude ironic drawings about justice (in the pic) she turned to me and said:
- ¿Sabes una cosa, aitatxu? ¡Esto sí que me parece educativo!
- You know, dad... this is true learning!!
1 comentario:
Como siempre pasarse por aquí es abrir una caja de sorpresas... Feliz año nuevo, que seguro te guarda más de una sorpresita. Un abrazo.
Quino debería ser materia obligada en los colegios (va en serio).
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