The conguitos are, probably, my only (confessable) vice. These chocolate covered peanuts produced by Lacasa company are simply delicious. Most of the people usually goes to the cinema carrying hugue pop corn boxes. Not me, I much prefer a packet of conguitos. I started loving them thanks to a bad fall I suffered when aged 6: I crashed a rock and hurted my hip, so I was moved to Basurto Hospital and admitted in the Gurtubay pavillion (by the way, this pavillion owes the name to one of my ancestors, not all of them are gallows fodder ;-)) for some weeks. I remember I felt those days as a dark eternity, always in the bed and sourrounded by other wounded children.
Durante toda mi permanencia en el hospital, mi abuelo Gerardo no dejó de venir a verme ni una solo día. Y siempre me traía, además de algo para leer, un paquete de conguitos. En aquella época, el paquete, además de los conguitos, incluía un pequeño vagón de tren de plástico. Había una docena de modelos. Y cada día iba aumentando mi tren con un nuevo vagón. Lógicamente, me moría de ganas de que en algún paquete me saliese la locomotora, para tener así el tren completo.
During all my stay in the hospital, mi grandfather Gerardo, didn't fail to come visiting me any single day. He always carried something for reading and a packet of conguitos. In those days, the packet contained not only the peanuts but a plastic scaled model of a train wagon. There were a dozen different models. Each day I enlarged my train with a new wagon. Logically I died for finding the locomotive in one of the packets for completing the train.
Pero pasaron los días y no hacía más que acumular vagones, muchos de ellos los tenía ya repetidos. El día anterior a que me dieran el alta, mi abuelo vino con un paquete, como siempre y me dijo: "Tengo la corazonada de que ésta vez nos saldrá la locomotora". Lo abrí... y efectivamente, ¡¡había una locomotora en su interior!! Por fin tenía el tren completo.
But the days passed slowly and I only had a lot of wagons, many of them were repeated. The day before to my discharge, my grandpa came with a packet, as always, and told me: "I'm feeling a hunch: you'll find the locomotive today". I opened the packet... and yes, the locomotive was in there!! I have completed my train.
Muchos años más tarde supe que mi abuelo había comprado más de 20 paquetes en un kiosko y los había ido tanteando al tacto hasta que dio con uno que tenía la locomotora.
Many years later, I knew that my grandpa had bought more than 20 packets in a shop and he had felt all of them with his fingers until he reckognized the shape of the locomotive.
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Que gran invento! Me estoy comiendo ahora unos, a tu salud!
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