
I love travels to Greece. I like the landscapes, I like the gastronomy, I like the weather and I like the people. There are many places in the world where I feel comfortable but only a few ones (very few) where I feel like at home. Greece is one of those places. May be it is because we hace the same accent when speaking so the communication between grecians and spainyards is really easy, even if none of the native languages is used.
This time my job drove me to Thessaloniki, in the Makedonian area, a fresh city thanks to the many youg people along the streets, most of them are students in the Aristoteles University, the biggest one in Greece. Unfortunately, I lost all my photographs when the hard disk of my computer failed so if you want to see the city you'll have to check the Wikipedia ;-).
Como compensación, pongo un extracto de mi diario de viaje tal como lo escribí al volver al hotel:
By way of compensation, let me publish an excerpt of my travel logbook, as it was written
back to the hotel:
March 2009

esquina, así recorro yo las calles de Tesalónika en busca de algún lugar que me guste.
It's already night and I'm hungry. Not very much, I'd like to have some light dinner to not go to bed with an empty estomach. Since always, the choice of the place for having a meal takes me a long time. I'm simply unable to enter in the first restaurant I see. Oftenly, I
behave like a dog rounding on himself for a time before lying on the ground; I run the Thessaloniki streets in the same way in quest for a nice place where having my dinner.
- Regla número 1: que el establecimiento no pertenezca a una cadena de restaurantes.
- Regla número 2: que no haya nadie reconocible como "turista" en su interior.
- Regla número 3: que sea cutre.
- Rule #1: chain restaurants are automatically forbidden, specially international chains.
- Rule #2: people in the inside must unmatch the "tourist" stereotype.
- Rule #3: shabby places are welcome
No sé por qué pero el cutrismo me atrae. Atención que me refiero al cutrismo, lo que no es igual que cutredad. Y en realidad, en cualquier ciudad, si se anda lo suficiente y se tiene los ojos bien abiertos, se acaba por encontrar algún lugar que se ajuste a esas tres reglas. Basta con meterse por los callejones que una madre no recomendaría a sus hijos. Tal como las flores atraen a las abejas, la miel a los osos y la caca a las moscas, así me atraen a mi esos callejones.
I dunno why but I like shabbies. Don't get me wrong: I mean shabbilogy, not shabbicracy. You can find a place meeting these three rules in any city if you walk long enough. Keep your eyes wide open and you'll find it. It's just enough to go to those narrow dark lanes that mothers would not recommend to their daugthers. So the flowers attracts the bees, the honey attracs the bears and the rubish attracts the flies... so those lanes attracts me.
Apenas media hora después de empezar a buscar y tras haber despreciado un Starbuck's (¡cielos!) y otros de su calaña, llego a ese esperado callejón, mal iluminado y despoblado, anunciado por una pizarrita garabateada por signos incomprensibles que anuncian un menú ignoto. El local es pequeño y en su interior 3 parroquianos cuya suma de edad supera los 200 años despachan una botella de retsina en un rincón. El dueño tiene pinta de delincuente: bajito, achaparrado, viejo, mirada torva y ademanes lentos, como si estuviera moviendo por el fondo de una piscina llena de agua. No hay duda: ¡este es el lugar!
After half an hour of quest, and having dismissed an Starbucks (good Lord!!) and others in the same way, I arrive to that wished lane, shaded and populated only by a small blackboard anouncing a misterious menu with unreadable greek characters. The stablishment is small and only three regulars, whose summed ages must exceed 200, drink slowly a bottle of retsina sitted in a corner. The owner looks like delinquent: short, squat, grim and slow gesturing, like he was moving accross the bottom of a swimming pool. No doubts: this is the place!!
Me siento a una mesa y el dueño acude. Inútil preguntar si habla inglés o cualquier otro idioma que no sea griego. ¡Qué cojones! Estoy en su casa, si alguien tiene que hablar algo que no sea su lengua nativa, ése soy yo. Así que tomo la hojita con el menú y señalo al azar dos líneas. Él se cala las gafas y lee. Luego asiente y se mete en la cocina. Al rato sale con una cestita de pan, un plato lleno de una pasta grisácea y una botellita de agua muy bonita. Lo deja todo en la mesa y se va.
I'm sitting to a table and the owner comes. No use in asking if he can speak english or any language other than greece. What the hell!! it's me who I'm in his country so if someone should speak a foreign language, that's me. I take the menu sheet and point two items at random with the finger. He wears his glasses and read them. He nods and vanish in the kitchen deeps. A little time later he's back carrying a basket with bread, a dish full of a grey paste and a beautiful bottle of water. Everything is left on the table and he goes.
La pasta grisácea sabe ligeramente a berenjenas y está buenísima, rehogada con un poco de aceite de oliva, de estas olivas griegas marrones fortísimas que no hay Dios que se las coma directamente. Destapo la botella, lleno el vasito de cristal que tengo delante y bebo. ¡Joder, ésto no es agua! Es una especie de anís. Me pregunto si es normal que te pongan anís en las comidas. Agua sí, agua y pan te los ponen siempre, pero ¿anis? Repaso mentalmente lo que he pedido. Creo que lo segundo se llamaba Tsantalis. Miro la etiqueta de la botella y después de un rato traduciendo el alfabeto griego al europeo (afortunadamente estudié por la rama de ciencias), leo tsantale. Ostras, creía que había pedido un segundo plato y en realidad estaba pidiendo anís.
The grey paste tastes like eggplant and it's very good, spreaded with olive's oil, you know those greek brown olives, so strong that you cannot eat them alone. I open the bottle, fill the glass and have a drink. Damn!! this is NOT water!! it is a sort of anisette. I wonder if it is usual to drink anisette in the greek meals. I know that bread and water is always provided but, anisette? I remind my order: I'm quite sure that the second line was something similar to Tsantalis. OK, I take the bottle and examine the label trying to translate from the greek alphabet (fortunately, I graduated in a scientific career). finally I can read tsantale. Uh oh... I thougth I was ordering a second dish and it was anisette, instead.
En ese momento entra otro cortesano de este principado particular, del mismo género que el dueño pero borracho, y se sienta unos pocos metros de mi. Se sirve un buen trago de ginebra, me mira y me invita a un brindis levantado su vaso. Yo levanto el mío y sin dejar de mirarnos apuramos ambos hasta el final. A partir de ahí ya todo fue cuesta abajo: el tsantale no permance mucho tiempo en el estómago, una osmosis maligna lo introduce rápidamente en la sangre y de ahí escala hasta el cerebro a una velocidad de vértigo. Con mis últimos restos de voluntad sobria, le pido al dueño una ración de algo que suena a kalamari (gracias a dios esta vez he acertado) a ver si con éso logro paliar el efecto del alcohol. Obviamente no lo consigo porque lo primero que hago nada más tener delante el plato de rabas es invitar a mi nuevo y beodo amigo a compartirlo conmigo. El me mira, sonríe y se encoge de hombros, luego señala al dueño, tras la barra y se lleva el dedo índice a los
labios. Guarda silencio, amigo, me gustaría acompañarte pero eso no le gustaría al dueño, me está diciendo.
Vuelvo a brindar por él y sigo a lo mío.A new courtier from this local kingdom enters in that moment. It's more or less the same type of the owner but completely drunk. He asks for a glass of gin (no mixes), stares at me and salutes by lifting his glass towards me. I lift mine up to answer and we both finish our respectice drinks without stop staring each other. That was the beginning of my descent to the alcoholic abyss: the tsantale doesn't stay in the stomach but an evil osmosis let it access to the blood flow and quickly finds the brain. Using my lasts traces of sober wills, I order some kalamari (in spanish squids are named calamares) trying to ease the alcohol effects. Obviously is a vain try, because my first action is inviting the drunk guy in front of me to share the squids. He looks at me, smiles and shrug his shoulders. After that, he points to the owner, behind the bar, and close his lips with his finger: "keep silence, my friend" is telling me mute "I'd accept your invitation but the owner wouldn't like that". I know what he means, so I just drink again.
Para matar el rato estoy leyendo "El sabotaje amoroso" de Amelie Nothomb. Bueno, leer es mucho decir. A estas alturas estoy completamente pedo y necesito leer cada párrafo al menos 3 veces para entender qué está diciendo. Por si fuera poco, cuando llego al final de la página, en lugar de pasarla me vuelvo al principio y la vuelvo a leer. Todo se me mezcla, siento como si flotara, me da la risa floja y celebro que solamente estemos el borrachín, los tres parroquianos y yo en el local. Estoy seguro de que ellos me comprenden. No me atrevo a moverme mucho porque temo tropezar, tirar algo al suelo o incluso volcar la mesa. No digamos ya levantarme de la silla.
Just to while away the time I'm reading the "Le Sabotage amoureux" by Amelie Nothomb. Well, I'm not exactly reading. I'm quite drunk too and I need to read each paragraph no less than 3 times before understanding the meaning. More, when I finish the page I go back to the fist paragraph and start again. The characters dance in front of my eyes, I feel like floating and laugh with no reasons. And I'm glad that we are only a few locals in the restaurant and me. I'm sure they understand me. I don't dare to move because I fear to trip over the chair or even to knock over the table.
Pero finalmente, tengo que levantarme y pagar la consumición. He cenado como un rajá y me he agarrado un colocón de primera por menos de 15 euros. Esto es vida y lo demás cuentos chinos. Saco un par de billetes con ademán un poco vacilante. "Tsantale" le digo al dueño, y él se ríe y seguramente piensa que todos los turistas somos unos maricones. Dejo de propina el sobrante hasta los 15 euros (quizá así tenga un poco mejor opinión de nosotros), saludo con la cabeza a mi desconocido amigo y me voy dando tumbos cuesta abajo camino de la costa.
But I have to finally get up and pay the meal. I had a good dinner and got drunk with less than 15 euros. Gooooood. Y take a couple of notes with shaky hands. "Tsantale" I say to the owner while he smiles and probably thinks that all the tourists are a pansies. I leave a tip to round the 15 euros (may be that improves the owner's opinion about tourists), say goodbye to my inebriated friend and zigzag across the street heading to the coast.
En la orilla, me metí a un pub donde tuve la suerte de encontrar una mesita bajo una lamparita donde fui digiriendo el alcohol poco a poco con la ayuda de una cocacola y la página 53 de "El sabotaje amoroso" (creo que hasta me la aprendí de memoria) hasta que tuve fuerzas para volver al hotel a dormir. ¡Cielo santo! ¡¡Esto es vida!!
Once in the shore, I entered into a pub where I was so lucky of finding a table under a stand lamp where I slowly digested the alcohol with some help of a cocacola and the 53th page of the "Le Sabotage amoureux" until I recovered the forces to go back to the hotel. Oh my God, this is the life!!!
40 comentarios:
Joder tramskipper, ya te ha costado sacar el nuevo post!! O será que se me ha hecho largo. Lo que no esperaba de un avezado capitán seminegurítico era econtrármelo en uno de esos tugurios bebiendo retsina. La próxima vez te buscaré.
Eso espero, Manzanillo, que nos encontremos en algún lugar del mundo donde no nos conozcan y donde podamos agarrarnos una buena y de calidad, por poqito dinero (porque en Villatarás no nos van a dejar...) ;-)
Ahora que has conseguido revivir la noche de marras... ¿entiendes, por fin, el tatuaje taleguero (en Grecia sería dracmero) de RECOPLA con el que amaneciste al día siguiente?
¡un abrazo capitán!
P.D.: y no es REcuerdo de COnstantinoPLA...
Cagantartes, CHAMPION!!! ( y no champiñon)
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Will Barbaro be the next Triple Crown winner? He has the breeding and the talent, but as of this writing twenty horses have won the first two legs of the Triple Crown only to fail at Belmont. Twenty five more have won two of the three races, but maybe this year...
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Barbaro with Edgar Prado on board has won all 6 of his lifetime starts, 4 of his wins in 2006 and all at distances of a mile or more (his first 3 races were on the turf). Barbaro will be the odds on favorite for the Preakness. Gone are the double digit returns when we picked him for the Derby so most of us are left looking for horses to combine him with for the exacta, trifecta and superfecta wagers. Even though we want to see him win, at the probable scant return for a win, one must look to see if there's a horse in the field that can best him.
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Guide: How to convert AAC to MP3 with the ImTOO AAC to MP3 conversion tool
How to convert AAC to MP3? ImTOO Audio Encoder is a powerful audio converter which can convert among MP3, WAV, WMA, MP4, M4A, AAC, OGG, etc., such as convert AAC to MP3, convert MP4 to MP3. The audio converter is also a MP4 converter which can convert MP3 to MP4, convert AAC, M4A to MP3. The audio converter provides users an easy way to convert audio files within a few clicks. Please free download and follow me step by step to convert AAC to MP3 .
I. Introduction of this AAC to MP3 converter:
An easy and completed way to decode/encode all popular audio files. Besides MP3, WAV, WMA, ImTOO Audio Encoder also supports MP4, M4A, MP2, OGG, APE, AAC, VQF etc. audio formats. All conversion processes between these formats are very easy to handle and fast. Provides different settings for different audio formats - users can easily get output files as they want. No matter what audio file you want, ImTOO Audio Encoder can do it for you! Supports ID3 tag and batch conversion. Users don't have to think so much, just need a click!
Features of this AAc to MP3 comverter: Convert AAC to WAV, convert AAV to MP3 Convert MP4 to MP3, M4A to MP34 Convert AAC to WAV, AAC to WMA, WMA to MP3, MP3 to WMA Extract audio from AVI, MPEG, ASF, WMV and other video files, convert them to MP3, WAV
Formats Supported: Most popular: MP3, WAV, WMA Up to date: APE, OGG, AAC, M4A, MP4 Others: MP2, VQF, FLAC Video File (Decoding only): AVI, MPEG, ASF, WMV
More Features: Easier to use and faster than ever
With the concise interface and design, users can easily handle the software without any help. The converting speed is improved in ImTOO Audio Encoder - users don't have to wait so long. A file is converted within a few seconds. Supports ID3 tag
All ID3 tags in the original files will be reserved after the conversion. Encoders and decoders are built-in
The audio converter integrates with all audio encoders and decoders - users can convert all supported audio formats, such as M4A to MP3, MP4 to MP3, AAC to MP3, once download the program. Supports batch conversion
Select all files you want to convert and ImTOO Audio Encoder will automatically encode them one by one. Choose output path
Users are able to edit the output path or use the same one as the input path. Excellent output quality
Using ImTOO Audio Encoder, you will get any output formats you want with excellent quality.
II. How to convert ACC to MP3:
Step 1: Open the file :
Step 2: Settings: Just press the Setting button to set the options:
Step 3: Set the output path:
Final Step: Encoding......
What a powerful audio converter which can convert among MP3, WAV, WMA, MP4, M4A, AAC, OGG, etc., such as convert AAC to MP3, convert MP4 to MP3. The audio converter provides users an easy way to convert audio files within a few clicks.
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Ideas on How to satisfy Ladies with the Local mall
If you could be a single guy and aren't the most useful at getting quite a bit less meeting girls and are questioning the place you would possibly go to get and meet up with a lady, then these ten reasonable points on how to fulfill a chick at the shopping mall, should arrive in mighty handy.
1 - Go on the foods court. Believe it or not, the food court will be absolute better location in your local mall to fulfill a chick. Here's what you do. Choose a meals spot and get in line for the meal. Despite the fact that you are usually in line, appear all around the area where everybody is seated and eating. Check for the girlfriend seated alone, or even two women seated together. When you could have your meal in hand, walk around to wherever she or they are sitting down and inquire if you may join them. If you are trustworthy and straightforward with them, your probabilities are quite good.
2- Do some considering. In advance of you even take into account proceeding on the local mall to meet a gal, sit all by yourself down and do some critical contemplating. Keep in mind how you can speak to a female and what you may say to her if you may be thriving. Take into consideration which parts of the shopping mall you would stop by. Also, you're likely to need to purchase a little something although there, what do you will need? Eventually, think what meeting a girlfriend in the public put entails. Unquestionably you can would need to start looking for the wedding ring in advance of speaking into a girlfriend, and you are likely to really have to take into consideration if it is wiser to speak to some lady alone or one who's with others. Ultimately, you might have to get realistic about your own age as well as the ages with the gal you choose to meet. As in, you'll really have to tell by yourself to get sensible and do not try out to meet ladies that are significantly younger or older than you may be, or that seem to be out of one's league.
three - Ask for benefit. After you should be at long last at the mall, one in the means to fulfill women is by asking them for help. Women understand that men have no concept what they're engaging in when they are shopping, so asking for benefit won't seem such a ridiculous plan. Ask for aid in picking out a jacket for your own self as an example. Working on so let's the woman know that you just are single. If she agrees to help you, check with her other queries as you grab varied jackets to try on.
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Sports Betting Methods - A Master Bettor Very best Stored Secrets
There are numerous means to generate your money develop. Obtaining stocks, investing in genuine estates, placing them in bonds or generating a calculated gamble are just some on the methods. All these techniques contain a particular level of danger. Having said that, when there is certainly larger threat, there exists likelihood for greater profit. Betting on sports is comparable.
You will find an growing quantity of folks which are profiting by wagering on sports activities. Successful players treat sports wagering like that they deal with purchasing stocks. It's much more than simple gambling. They study the odds and predict the line movement to be able to wager with the appropriate time to generate optimum revenue. Yet, there is certainly an interesting secret about grasp bettors which is stored unknown to the general public. One of their perfect stored secrets is the fact that they know when to stop gambling.
Apart from realizing when to location bets to produce maximum earnings; specialists are considerably disciplined in strictly subsequent their grasp plan for betting. They know how to control losses and not to be overwhelmed by their feelings. They set a objective to gain how a great deal inside a day and in a week and in a 12 months! The moment they achieve the target, they'd stop to appreciate their winning. They don't attempt to recover losses or try to bang around the profitable streaks. There is no guarantee that you are going to gain the subsequent bets.
So discover from these masters and study to management your emotions and practice responsible gambling. All the ideal to you!
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