I came out of the kayak really quickly: it's amazing how agile you can be when you are inmersed in 9ºC cold water. Coming out of the kayak was easy but floating save was another thing. My thin neoprene (3 mm) swimsuit kept me not too cold but it was not enough for floating without some help. At least, I hadn't to worry about the rocks despite of the fast stream, there was so much water that I couldn't touch the bottom. I saw the water filling the kayak until it was half-sinked but it was impossible to reach it anyway. Iñigo went out of sight in the first moments. I swam with spirit to the shore aiming to catch the branches of some short trees. When I finally went out of the water I checked the situation: the kayak was lost, the paddle was lost, and one of my water shoes was lost, I was in the middle of nowhere and the only reasonable option was to walk downstream looking for the lost gear. Same as Jason in his way to Yolco, I walked along the shore withdrawing between the trunks, branches, nettles and hidden roots. Sometimes I had to jump back to the water to avoid the muddy points.
Un kilómetro más abajo encontré a Iñigo, que sujetaba mi piragua mientras la achicaba poco a poco a manotazos. El muy mamón me miraba riéndose. "¿Qué? ésto no es como en verano ¿eh?, ja ja ja". La verdad es que me alivió mucho ver que había recuperado la piragua. En cambio, el remo estaba perdido irremisiblemente de manera que ahí acabó la aventura para mi. Iñigo, tras comprobar que yo estaba bien, continuó aguas abajo dejándome con la piragua medio llena de agua, una barrita energética y un botellín de agua. Si además me hubiera dejado un mosquete con un saquito de pólvora y media docena de balas me hubiera sentido como los amotinados de la Hispaniola pero en lugar de éso, llamé a Juanjo (abnegado equipo de soporte en tierra) para que viniera con el Jeep a recogerme, dondequiera que me hallara. Por suerte, uno de los puentes sobre el Sella estaba muy cerca así que pude darle a Juanjo un punto de referencia muy útil y efectivamente en menos de media hora ya estábamos izando la piragua por el terraplén de la orilla del río.
I found Iñigo one kilometer down. He was holding my kayak with one hand and trying to bale out with the other. He stared at me laughing (damned boy!). "What's up, pal? This is not like summertime, isn't it? ha ha ha". It was a relief for me to check that the kayak was recovered. In change, the paddle was definately lost so that was the end of the adventure for me. After assuring Iñigo that I was OK, he left and I stayed with the kayak full of water, an energetic bar and a bottle of water. I wished I also had a musket, a powder bag and a dozen of bullets, like the Bounty's rebels but instead of that I phoned Juanjo (the selfless land support) to ask him to rescue me with the Jeep. Fortunately one hr the bridhes over the Sella river was very close to where I was so it was a perfect reference point. Indeed, less than half an hour later we were raising the kayak over the embankment of the riverside.
Aquella parada forzosa me dejó mal sabor de boca, no me gusta dejar las aventuras incompletas. Mientras volvíamos en el Jeep a Ribasdesella siguiendo la carretera junto al curso del río, vimos a nuestros compañeros que ya estaban llegando a la meta. Dado que yo llevaba aún el traje de neopreno puesto, pedí a Juanjo que parase y me eché al rio para nadar con Carlos los últimos 500 metros. Bueno, no fue una gran proeza, obviamente, pero al menos sirvió para que mi humor mejorase sustancialmente pese a lo fría que estaba el agua.
I was very grumpy because that situation: I don't like to quit my adventures. While we were driving back to Ribadesella following the road along the river we saw our friends close to the end line. I still wore the swimsuit so I asked Juanjo to stop the Jeep and I quickly jumped into the water to join our friends. At the end, I could finish the last 500 meters by swimming and, although it's not a big deed, at least my humour improved noticeably.
En total, Carlos y los piragüistas tardaron 2 horas 20 minutos en recorrer los 19 kilómetros de Sella. Comparado con las 4 horas 45 minutos que tardamos el año anterior es fácil ver que la corriente iba desbocada esta año. una aventura bonita que nos ha servido como entrenamiento para la que tendremos dentro de poco en el Telemaratón de la EITB. A ver si en ésa tengo más suerte.
Carlos and the kayaks needed 2 hours and 20 minutes to cover 19 kilometers. It's a great record, when compared to the 4 hours and 45 minutes we needed the previous year, and it's easy to understand how fast was the stream. It's been a nice adventure, but I hope I'll be more lucky next time.