In a Mainstrat-like company, whose 8 components work from our homes via the internet, we enjoy a great freedom to do our tasks but we also suffer a clear lack of human contact. That's the reason why we try to pay a special attention to meet from time to time just to avoid forgetting who we really are and practising the main activity between the basque people: make fun of the others, mercilessly.
Coincidiendo con el sexto aniversario del "muñeco de trapo", que es el nombre que damos cariñosamente a nuestra empresa (algún día explicaré el motivo de este nombre), nos fuimos de picnic dominguero a Astondo siguiendo 2 rutas alternativas en concordancia con la disponibilidad y espíritu aventurero de cada uno. Así, Ainoa, Joserra y Jon siguieron la ruta terrestre convencional (carretera BI-634) y Narman, Guillermo, Antonio y yo seguimos la ruta marítima a bordo del Lady Chatterley impulsados por la suave brisa cantábrica. La pobre Rosa tuvo que quedarse en casita cuidando de Martin, su hijo recién nacido (te echamos de menos).
We celebrated today the sixth anniversary of the "rag doll" which is the nickname we gave to our company (some day I'll explain how the name arose) so we went to Astondo for a typical weekend picnic following two alternative routes according to the availability and adventurous spirit by each of us. This way, Ainoa, Joserra and Jon followed the conventional land route (road BI-634) and Narman, Guillermo, Antonio and me sailed the sea aboard of lady Chatterley thanks to a soft wind from the north. Poor Rosa had to stay at home taking care of Martin, her recently born child (we miss you).
Efectivamente, hicimos el dominguero todo lo que nos apeteció a pesar de ser un martes cualquiera, con barbacoa incluída. Mucha conversación, buena comida, excelente bebida (atención al arrebujito de Narman, que está que se sale) y, sobre todo, muchas ganas de disfrutar del momento. No puedo ponerme ahora a destacar todos los momentos brillantes de la jornada porque fueron muchísimos pero hubo un frase de Guillermo que me impactó bastante. Me dijo: "La verdad Germán, no me extraña que te cueste tanto encontrar pareja, en realidad lo que te pasa es que tú ya estás enamorado... ¡de tu barco!". Quizá debiera navegar un poco menos y relacionarme con el mundo un poco más.
Efectively we were the perfect weekenders, despite of it was tuesday actually, including the barbecue. Lots of fun, good meal, excellent drinks (beware of Narman's shocking "arrebujitos") and, over all, best wishes to enjoy the day. I cannot remind now the so many brilliant moments we lived but it was a amazing sentence Guillermo sent straight forward to me. He said: "You know, German, I'm not surprised you cannot find your right woman, it's obvious you're already in love... with your boat!". May be I should sail a little less and join the rest of the world a little more.
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