martes, 5 de febrero de 2008

La moda de Sitges / Sitges fashion

El cartel lo dice todo. El pasado agosto, mientras paseaba con mi amiga Natalia por la histórica población de Sitges (famoso por su festival de cine fantástico , por su asentamiento gay y por ser la ciudad donde mi admirado maestro Noel Clarassó escribió su "Epítome de la tontería humana") nos topamos con esta joya de la señalética civil. Y además, en bilingüe, no sea que algún extranjero espabilao salga con que "I didn't understand, I cannot speak spanish".
This poster is quite clear. Last august, while walking joined to my friend Natalia along the beautiful and historical village of Sitges (famous because of its fantastic film festival , its huge gay settlement and because it's the place where my admired master Noel Clarassó wrote his "Epitome of the human nonsense") we suddenly found this extraordinary sample of civil sign. Notice it's also in english to avoid someone could say "I didn't understand, I cannot speak speak spanish" (Jamie, are you already able to read it in spanish?).

1 comentario:

Jamie Shelden dijo...

Ok, I understood everything....even without reading the English translation ;-)....except the word Sitges? Don't know what on earth that means.